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Application Code Reviewer 2.0 release

Published 29-09-2020, last updated 01-02-2024 2 min read
Application Code Reviewer 2.0 release Blog overview Image

The new ACR, but first; the journey 

We recently released the new design for the SMART Digital Factory. Our focus was on the Application Code Reviewer, but we also redesigned the Application Model Security tool and the CI/CD solution. It looks great! 

The new ACR

Of course, as the product manager, I have seen the project grow from solely designs to becoming the new ACR. One of the dangers of witnessing the entire process is that it might become ‘normal’ as you get used to the small changes made throughout time. Therefore, it is important that you make a comparison between where the product was before and where it is right now, so you see the difference. 

The same applies to the rest of the team, it may seem ‘normal’ to them as well. That is why I made that comparison after I opened the new design of ACR. I was blown away, I said wow. I feel humbled and amazed when I see what the team achieved in such a short time. And make no mistake, I truly believe we have the best team there is (yeah sorry I honestly think so) so to be amazed should not be taken lightly 

To be clear, when I speak about the team, I am talking about everybody that contributed to this project from designers, to Mendix developers, to the business side, our clients, to our product development team. They all did their part in creating this amazing new ACR.  

The new designs are not the result of only hard work. It is the result of a group of people working together as a team, people who laughed, enjoyed themselves and supported each other each day. It does not matter if you work at CLEVR are a Mendix developer, designer or, business consultant, be proud of what you do and who you are, and enjoy yourself, then you will fit right in the team 

That is what I love about my job, I get a front-row seat in seeing the results of what the organization can achieve when everybody works together.  

For everybody that worked or is currently working on this project, you can be proud of your work, I sure as hell am! 

Let us walk through the changes. 

The new ACR 

Slick design 

We gathered a lot of insights from our userbase and made some overall changes, like new graphs, drop-downs, coloring, styling, etc. it is an ongoing list. You will notice these changes throughout ACR. We hope you enjoy them, and they improve your day. 

The dashboard 

The new ACR

The left side of the dashboard was a bit discouraging when you first scanned an existing application, the fast number of violations with the severity coloring was not very welcoming. We changed that. ACR now shows you the violations per category for a quick selection. We also included the blocking and critical violations filter so you can quickly identify what is your main priority.  

The right side of the dashboard now allows you to quickly switch between relevant trend graphs (yes, we added more graphs). This gives you a quick overview of the project’s development over time.  

Below you have a quick overview of the most recent new/fixed violations to make your life even easier 

The violations 

But we did not stop at the dashboard.  

The new ACR

We made it easier for you to select multiple checkboxes and allow list violations and much more. 


We need revisions before we scan our app, right? We made it easier to manage them and give you the information you need right away.  

The new ACR

Of course, there is much more, but we would not want to rob you of the pleasure of finding it out yourself 

All of this had one end goal, to enable you to develop Mendix application at the speed of light while maintaining the highest quality. We hope that you feel enabled by us to become an even better Mendix developer when you use the new ACR. If you have not tried it out yet, please do a free trial, you will not regret it!  

One last thing, I really hope you feel that wow too when you use ACR, it would make us happy.

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